"Kępa-Osiny" Ezperimental Farm comprises four farms (Kępa, Osiny, Sadłowice, Pulki) located near Puławy.
Kępa Farm is situated in Wisła Valley on the right bank, within borders of Puławy city, mainly on medium alluvial soils.
Osiny Farm is located to the nothern east of the Puławy, physiographically on Wysoczyzna Siedlecka (Siedlce Upland), mostly on podzols formed on loose sands, partly on black earths.
Sadłowice Farm is situated in Wisła Valley, on the left bank of the river, mainly on alluvial soils, partly on podzols and black earths.
Pulki Farm is located near Puławy and Końskowola, mainly on poor podzols and post-bog soils.
"Kępa-Osiny " EF is focused on plant production. There is small cold store that allows direct selling the farm products (fruits, fresh fruit juices, vegetables, rapeseed oil). The farm manages also over 688 ha of forest.