The assessment is performed for all experimental farms. The scientific principles of the 4R Nutrient Stewardsheep framework include:

The practice is applied in all experimental farms (except organic part of Grabów EF). The NawSald decision support system is used for optimisation the nitrogen doses for specific fields. Using of the program requires sampling soil from experimental fields. The practice is being performed on 50% of selected fields in each farm. 

The practice is applied in the accordance to precision agriculture methodology using seeder with N-sensor in "Kępa-Osiny" EF and Żelisławki EF. The detailed monitoring of the fields with the practice is conducted using drones and spectral images. 

The practice is being conducted in Werbkowice and Grabów Experimental Farms. Werbkowice EF is equipped with vaccum sanitary truck with direct soil application hardware. In Grabów EF, seeder with deep incorporation of fertilizers into the soil is used.

The practice is performed in Borusowa EF and Żelisławki EF ona the rapeseed and wheat cropping areas (totally at least 20 ha in each of the farm). rapeseed. The comparison between 50% cropping area of farm not using autumn N dose and remaining 50% of the area using this dose is conducted.

LC 6 Grabw


The practice is implemented in all experimental farms, where spring crops are cultivated.

The practice is introduced in all experimental stations, where maize and sugar beet are cultivated. In Błonie-Topola EF, maize is seeded directly in mulch. Maize and sugar beet are sown in late spring in wide rows, therefore their cultivation involves a threat of soil degradation, such as leaching of minerals, wind and water erosion, mineralization and loss of organic matter. Sowing in mulch reduces the risk of the aforementioned environmental threats.

LC 8 Kpa


Strip-tillage seeding system and reduced tillage system are introduced in "Kępa-Osiny" EF. In Wielichowo EF direct seeding is being conducted. These practices aim at reducing the consumption of conventional fuels, preventing mineralisation of the soil organic matter and improving the effectiveness of agricultural production, thus contributing to substantial environmental benefits.

LC 9 miernik

The practice is based on precision fertilizer (NPK) spreader technology used on selected fields in "Kępa-Osiny" EF and Żelisławki EF.  Precision mappping of soil nutrients capacity is being performed, that is used for preparing a detailed map of the capacity and then, proper application of NPK fertilisers. 

Moreover, the yield mapping is conducted using harvester with GPS equipment.

LC 10 bocian


The practice implemented in Experimental Farm "Kępa Osiny" and in Werbkowice EF is based on a detailed characterisation of the protected areas. The actual applicability of the approach on selected areas will be verified by GIS analysis.